Donate to Build Vibrant Local Communities and Ecosystems

Join our Perennial Friends Circle! 
Become a Perennial Friend by signing up to make a regular monthly donation to Grassroots Ecology, starting as low as $5 a month. Perennial Friends will provide a stable base of financial support for our volunteer and youth programs. This is as grassroots as giving gets! 

Can't commit? One-time donations at any level are always welcome. And monthly donors are free to cancel at any time. 

Donations are 100% tax-deductible and absolutely essential to carrying out our community-based restoration and youth education programs. Donate now!

How to Donate

Click here to donate online. You may also mail a check payable to “Acterra — Grassroots Ecology” to the Grassroots Ecology office at 3921 E. Bayshore Rd. Palo Alto, CA 94303.

If you would like to donate through payroll deduction, corporate giving programs, or other external sites, please be sure to specify "Grassroots Ecology" in the notes field.

If you have an in-kind donation of goods or services that you would like to make, or for any other questions about donations, please contact